Thursday, May 6, 2010

Giving it all to God

Today is about giving it all to God.

When life throws you the first major curve ball and takes you completely off track; it is customary to feel a bit depressed and resentful.

However this is a pivotal moment in one’s life to when give up control and give everything to God .

My moment came while in my last year in college. My father was sick and I was flipping out.

I was hanging out a lot and I was angry at God because my father was sick. My boyfriend and I had broken up and I was feeling really alone.

So I gotten home one night from the club and I became so overwhelmed with everything that I dropped to my knees and gave everything to God.

I prayed to God to alleviate the pain. I asked for his grace and mercy because I could no longer handle life on my own. I requested help.

Life got much better immediately . My dad got better and I was able to cope with life a little better.

So that almost 10 years ago, there are many times since then that I had to rededicate myself and give all everything to God.

Even the most well intentioned Christians can begin to care too much and try too hard to solve life’s problems until they have taken on too much of life’s burdens.

So on this Sunny Thursday these tweets are for those that barely hanging on; that is feel hopeless and overwhelmed. Give everything to God. Once you relinquish control; watch God resolve everything in the way it should be.

He will create opportunities out of thin air or even revive opportunities that were previously lost. Only God can say when something is over:)

You don’t need to be perfect to enter God’s sanctuary. All you have to be is you. God loves you exactly the way you are.

A joyful heart is good medicine. Allow God’s peace to enter your heart and change your life forever.

Be the catalyst for change.