Sunday, March 7, 2010

Relying on God

Good morning on this Sunny Sunday :) I love these Sunny Days.

Today is about Relying on God.

With problems associated with the economic downturn, people are acting out. Everyone deals with stress in various ways. Some retreat into their own world and others attempt to wreak havoc everywhere they go.

It is easy to be disappointed and angry in people. But remember sometimes people allow themselves to be used by Evil without realizing it.

These people are working outside the will of God. Pray for them.

Its easy to scream, cuss, yell and attempt to bring them down just as they did to you.Don’t. Share your disappointment in their actions. They want the anger; they feed off the drama.

Sometimes the disappointment is so great that you are at a loss of what to do. Allow yourself to
enveloped in God’s love.

I know you might not understand the purpose but there is purpose all the happens in life.

Pray for God’s mercy, and grace to guide your path. Lean on God when don’t understand the storms raging in your life.

When you are being spiritually attacked, trouble will come in every aspect of your life. When this happens rejoice. This means you are close to your breakthrough.

Whatever God has for you; is yours. No one can take away an opportunity that God has ordained. So step back and allow God to work. He is truly amazing and can bless beyond highest expectations.

Be Catalyst for Change :)
