Friday, April 23, 2010

Being in our Little World

Today is about being in our little world

With economic downturn, it seems there are two types of people in the world (1) people maintaining their success and (2) those struggling to get ahead.

Times like this often times bring out the worst in people. We have seen more random acts of hatefulness increasing each day.

I believe the biggest one is neglect. Everyone is struggling with something right now so it is easy to become consumed with your own life.

But this is where your breakthrough occurs. God wants us to manifest his love on a everyday level.

If you want God to bless you, be a blessing to someone else.

You can bless people in various ways. It is not about money. It is about providing the support that is needed. Your blessing can be phone call, kind words or an listening ear.

When you can think about others while in the midst of your own struggles your blessings can be double or even triple.

So on this Sunny Friday, consider everyone feelings and attempt be a blessing for at least one person per day.

It can enrich your life in ways you never thought were possible. Be the Catalyst for Change :)