Friday, April 30, 2010


Today is about being Unstoppable.

I am believer in positive thinking. You can manifest anything if you just believe.

We are living in some weird times. They are some people who are experiencing the best times in their life and enjoying the fruits of their labor. Everything is great.

And then there are people like me who are grindin. That every day there is a different type of struggle.

Every time you go up one level, the problems become complex and less easier to solve. And the Hate goes up as well.

And they are things that cannot discuss with everyone and risk is greater for all involved.
I am no longer in minor leagues; I am in the major leagues with a lot danger lurking around every decision.

This is when your Faith is essential. You must transform yourself into being Unstoppable.
An unstoppable person is someone doesn’t falter in the face of adversity. A person will get knocked down millions of times and will continue to fight.

A person that can change tactics in order to achieve their goals. A person that is willing to make sacrifices in order get the next level.

A person that has an uncompromising spirit and a general hunger to succeed.

The requirements to become unstoppable: Faith in yourself and a direct lifeline to God.
The only person you can really depend on to constantly uplift you is God. Everyone else is human and bound to fail you at least once.

Know inside you are larger than the circumstances around you and that God will give you favor that help you reach that next level.

God is such an awesome God that protect from enemies that you don’t even know about. These enemies aka haters are double agents. They have friend/family like characteristics but they don’t have your best interests at heart.

Be careful who you share your goals with; you never know their secret motives. Some just have one simple motive; to make sure you never reach your full potential. This can be friends and family. No more is immune.

So on this Sunny Friday: Believe in yourself and become Unstoppable. Once you believe and have Faith in yourself; you will have ability to move mountains.

Be the Catalyst for Change :)